Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Do you really want liberty?

Roman historian Sallust observed that, " Most men do not desire liberty; most only wish for a just master. This desire for simple answers to complex questions forms a perpetual clamor for Masters with Answers, and Masters must have slaves."  
Liberty is messy.  While order exists, it is not centrally planned order; it is an order that spontaneously comes about when the plans of others collide when people interact, trade and strive.  And just when the emerging order settles down the forces of creative destruction redoes it all over again.  Most people are not comfortable with change.  They like order and control.  They may not admit it but their clamor for government control of almost every aspect of society is their way of admitting it.  
Liberty means mostly that you are responsible for you (and whomever you choose to be responsible for).  With that responsibility comes the recognition that failure is your fault and success is your choice.